About Dinsmore Baptist Church


Welcome to Dinsmore Baptist Church!

We are so excited to have you worship with us. We are a congregation that was established in 1886.
Over the years, our church has been a beacon of light in the Jacksonville area.


What We Believe at Dinsmore Baptist Church

We stand firm that Jesus Christ is God's Son. Jesus was born of a virgin and sent to earth to be our Savior and Lord. He died on the cross for all mans' sins. He was buried and on the third day he rose from the dead.

As the Bible says: If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 10:9

The core Biblical truth that we stand on as a congregation is the scripture that say: Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -John 14:16

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Everything that is written in the scriptures are true.


All Are Welcomed

Our doors are open to all those that want to attend. We have seen tremendous growth in our congregation over the years. It is our goal to provide an environment where you can come and worship God with like-minded believers.


Dr. E. Winson Butler

Pastor - dr.butler@dbcjax.com

He and his wife Debi have two children. Brian is married to Nicole and their children are Wyatt and Autumn Butler. Brian is presently serving as Associate Pastor and Student Pastor are valuable member of Dinsmore Baptist Church Ministry Team. Their daughter Keri is a career mom and her children are Lillie, Duke and Jacob Maze.

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Rev. Brian Butler

Associate Pastor and Student Pastor - revbutler@dbcjax.com

Brian and his wife Nicole are devoted to God's Service. They have been blessed with two wonderful children, Autumn and Wyatt who both excel spiritually as well as academically.Brian felt God's calling on his life at an early age. He has previously served as a student minister in a sister church in Georgia and his ministry there impacted the community in lives saved and forever changed for Christ. He and Nicole serve together to reach students for Christ and invest in their lives.Brian Butler: revbutler@dbcjax.com

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Worship Leader - haleydanae16@gmail.com

Our worship leader, Haley McCue, grew up in our church. She and her husband Zachary McCue have a beautiful daughter, Henley. Haley has been a "working" part of Dinsmore Baptist Church since she was a young girl. She is involved in the annual Car Show as well as other programs of our church. She is a credit to our church.



We Want to Reach the World Around Us

It is highly important to us as believers of the Gospel to be obedient to the call that God has for us. We are actively seeking out ways to make disciples and reach those in the world around us.

Our vision includes getting outside of our church doors and going out to the neighboring community on a regular basis. We also have an international missions emphasis in which we go across the world to minister to those in need.

We hope you will join us each week and find ways to get plugged into our ministries.


Rev. Larry (Gator) Collins

Children’s Department Pastor - kidtowngator@gmail.com

Gator is a lifelong Jacksonville resident. He is the father of two sons, Drew and Daly Collins. Gator and his wife Rebecca serve God through ministering to children. Gator has been in ministry over twenty years and is a valuable member of the Dinsmore Baptist Church Ministry Team. His efforts have brought positive change and growth to our church.


Loretta Gregory - info@dbcjax.com

Administrative Assistant

On staff at DBC for 26 years. Mrs. Gregory is the mother of 3 sons and grandmother of 6. Her background in administrative skills and training have been an asset in our church office. The quality of her work is her top priority. She is ready and willing to assist those who may have a need.


Rebecca Collins

Preschool Director - info@dbcjax.com

Director of the Preschool Department at DBC. Her experience with children, and loving concern for all preschoolers, have put the minds of parents at ease so they can enjoy their worship experience. She is the wife of Rev. Larry "Gator" Collins, and a mother. She is appreciated for the time and care she invests in our babies and preschoolers.

First time visitor? .... Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!!

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