
We are thankful to have an active group of students. Our Student Pastor and volunteers work diligently to coordinate activities that are safe while being fun!

Rev. Brian Butler, Student Pastor

Monthly Activities Available For Students

Each month, we strive to have events and activities that the students can participate in, both on and off campus.  In addition to  monthly activities, they are encouraged to attend camp, one week during the summer.

Wednesdays Student Services – DSM/NIGHTS WEEKLY AT 7PM are in our Family Life Center. Students can begin a journey to create community in which they are empowered to find Life in Christ and encouraged to take their next step into the future.

UPCOMING YOUTH SPRING TRIP MARCH 17-20, 2025 Washington, D.C. mark your calendars and start saving now. Payments being accepted through February 2025. Forms of payments: Checks, cash, and online.


Additional Upcoming Youth Activities:

12/14 Ice Men Game (ugly sweater night) 5:30pm-10pm

12/22 Polar Express 6pm-8pm

Winter Jam Details TBA

1/11/2025 St. Augustine Lights, time TBA

Follow us @DSMJax on Instagram

For additional student department details, please contact  Student Minister – Rev. Brian Butler, email:


Student Ministries – 7pm Wednesdays – Meet in the FLC Youth Room – 9am Sundays – Meet in the FLC Youth Room…10am Sundays – Worship in FLC